All Saltwater Fishing Baits
Saltwater Fishing Lures
Saltwater Fishing Rigged Baits
Saltwater Fishing Unrigged Baits
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4 pk Bonito Strips | Large
4pk Bonito Strips | Extra large
3pk Bonito Strips | Extra extra large
3pk Wire Rigged Bonito Strips
3pk Mono Rigged Bonito Strips
Double hook Mono Rigged | XL Bonito Strip | 1 oz Freddy sea witch
Single hook Wire Rigged | XL Bonito Strip | 1 oz Freddy sea witch
Double hook Mono Rigged | XL Bonito Strip | 1/4oz Freddy sea witch
Single hook Wire Rigged | XL Bonito Strip | 1/4 oz Freddy sea witch
3pk Mullet Strips
4pk Mullet Strips
3pk Mono Rigged Squid with custom SR flash
3pk Wire Rigged Squid with custom SR 1/4oz flash
3pk Mono Rigged Squid
3pk Wire Rigged Squid
Single Mono Rigged squid with Flash
Single Wire Rigged Squid with Flash
Wire Rigged Horse ballyhoo with Flash
Mono Rigged HORSE Ballyhoo with Seawitch
Wire Rigged Horse ballyhoo with Sea witch
3pk Wire Rigged Ballyhoo with skirts
3pk MONO Rigged Ballyhoo with Seawitch
3pk Wire Rigged Ballyhoo with Seawitch
3pk Mono Rigged Ballyhoo SR Flash
3pk Wire Rigged Ballyhoo w/SR flash
Bonito Foldover Sword Bait
Bonito Bellies Sword Bait
Snakehead Sword Bait
Wind on planer yo-yo trolling rig
Sea Spook Daisy Chain
Spooky Dink
1/4 Oz Stan Reuwer Seawitch with mylar
1/4 Oz Stan Reuwer Flathead
1/4 Oz Stan Reuwer Flash double pack
Brined Bonito Cut Bait